CLOSED-50 Projects, Let's Do This! 2022

I loved that tiny alligator! It amazes me when people can use yarn to create such tiny treasures!

I am also making more stuff for me…I think events in the world made me realize how much we need to use the good stuff and take care of ourselves emotionally and creatively. Charity in our own communities gives us hope, pride and a feeling of control and accomplishments!

Well done!

  • Are you making more or less than last year?
    Definitely less than last year so far. I counted projects last year and I had 95. This year my health has slowed me down a little, but I’ve started crafting more again!
  • Are your projects larger or smaller?
    Definitely larger. A lot more blankets have been in the works
  • Are you doing more new projects or finishing up WIPS?
    More new projects. I’ve been trying to limit my wips
  • Are your projects for others, excluding swaps, or yourself?
    A mixture of both
  • Have you made things for swaps, community or personal?
    For swaps and personal. I did just make something my husband will display at the public library branch he works at
  • Have you made something just random, not on your list, just because you love it or found it while browsing? What did you make? Bonus for a pic! (extra entry)
    Of course! I was going through old emails, and I had one from @Smeddley from like 8 years ago with the pattern for this awesomeness. I pulled out my aida right away and started stitching!
  • What was the most favorite thing you made this year? Bonus for a pic! (extra entry)
    My rainbow Sholach blanket :heart:
  • What was the least favorite thing you made this year?
    This gymnast cross stitch. I was asked to make it, but the pattern isn’t my aesthetic and not what I would have chosen to make.
  • Did anyone on this site inspire you to make something similar? Shout out with a tag to them and show your project with a pic! Bonus!
    @Smeddley did a gnomeaggedon, and ever since then I’ve wanted to make a gnome. So I finally did :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I knew you guys would post hidden gems that people might have missed! You guys must be hiding your loot in the Nerd games or the HP Craftalongs!!!

OMG–that blanket…I remember thinking that no human could have made that!

I adore that little gnome…so cool that it seems @smeddley is your LC muse!


I need to get better about posting project pages. Since I share most things in the snapshot or art journaling thread, I figure everyone has seen it already.


I always check the HP craftalong…I saw so many projects that never were given their own posts! I encourage people to browse more…I want to see it ALL! lol


I have noticed that I see so many treasures in the snapshot page, but not as many project posts. Off to look over my very short list…

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How is everyone feeling about their project list this year?

My list of want-to-makes gets so long and then I take forever making any one thing so it is a little like a good frustration. I’m pleased with what I am producing for the most part but want to Make All The Things.

1. Are you making more or less than last year?

I’m in the act of making much more this year since setting the intention of doing a little crafting every day, and I think the actual made items are more currently than were at the same time as last year. Doing a few new swaps helped.

2. Are your projects larger or smaller?

I feel like they are larger or larger time commitments- several blankets, fingerless gloves, large crochet owls, a wreath… but I have done smaller items as well (indoor snowball fight, sock puppet).

3. Are you doing more new projects or finishing up WIPS?

More new projects, definitely. And currently I think I only have one started and languishing WiP, which is unheard of. I have the Christmas socks that got put in time out. Other than that I think the only started and not finished project is my current working one.

4. Are your projects for others, excluding swaps, or yourself?

Others. Although I have a list of things I’d like to make for myself/my house. I’m hoping once I finish my current baby gift I can start something from that list before I get sucked into another grand gift idea.

5. Have you made things for swaps, community or personal?

I have. The fingerless gloves, hydrangea, rag wreath and shawl were all swaps.

6. Have you made something just random, not on your list, just because you love it or found it while browsing? What did you make? Bonus for a pic! (extra entry)

I have! I made the indoor snow ball fight just on a whim as a means to have fun freeing up some room in the yarn stash. And the kid legwarmers were made when I received some fun yarn in a swap.

7. What was the most favorite thing you made this year? Bonus for a pic! (extra entry)

Ohhh that’s tough. For different reasons I would choose different things. But I think either the second stuffed owl (I love how the wings came out when I ran out of yarn) or the rag wreath (Of which I got zero good pics!)

8. What was the least favorite thing you made this year?

The sock puppet. While cute and hitting the mark on an in-joke in the household it didn’t work out quite as I wanted it to go.

9. Did anyone on this site inspire you to make something similar? Shout out with a tag to them and show your project with a pic! Bonus!

Pretty much this whole site is one big pot of inspiration! The first thing that comes to mind is how Mistress Jennie’s various wreaths inspired me to buy the forms in the first place.

As I answered these questions I realize that I am one of the people that keeps a lot of my projects in the HP thread and not out in their own posts. I should rectify that!

Thanks for the nudge to evaluate the making in my life, @AIMR!


How cute to make indoor snowballs! Gives me an idea of what to give to some of the kids in our neighborhood since we don’t get snow!

I feel like that we all have different areas of our crafting lives that we have come to accept and embrace…our energy levels and things that excite us come and go, but we all seem to find our way back. I just thought it was a good time to take stock and to find out more about each other and what we are going.

I will answer the questionnaire as well since I see a lot of commonality and differences in each of our answers! It is interesting to read and learn, I find.

BTW, I am submitting a picture of your rag wreath…it was lovely!


Post on @antbee’s Rag Wreath


Oh my gosh. I have the sudden intense urge to make my kids leg warmers. It’s only going to be 90 here this weekend…


Little leg warmers are so so cute!!!

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  1. Are you making more or less than last year?
    I am making fewer not so much as less, because…

  2. Are your projects larger or smaller?
    My projects are tending to be a bit bigger, I think.

  3. Are you doing more new projects or finishing up WIPS?
    I don’t have a lot of WIPs: I tend to finish or totally give up. But I do feel like I have done more projects that I have had vague plans to make for years this year.

  4. Are your projects for others, excluding swaps, or yourself?
    I tend to make practical things, even if what makes it practical is that it is a gift for someone on our list. But this year so far I have made more things “for the house” which is basically something for (mostly) me. I have a longer project that is totally just for me and not at all practical going this year and maybe into next!

  5. Have you made things for swaps, community or personal?
    I’m having a hard time remembering just when I made some things! Were those swaps this year or last?

  6. Have you made something just random, not on your list, just because you love it or found it while browsing? What did you make? Bonus for a pic! (extra entry) Delia’s Schmozalotl disguise was something that popped into my head and I just had to make it!

  7. What was the most favorite thing you made this year? Bonus for a pic! (extra entry) Hmmmm. Probably the room that will eventually be a diorama. This is the longer project that’s just for me mentioned in #4.

  8. What was the least favorite thing you made this year?
    Another flippin’ mask. Ugh.

  9. Did anyone on this site inspire you to make something similar? Shout out with a tag to them and show your project with a pic! Bonus!
    @Reinikka, @Magpie, @geekgirl inspired me to give masterboards a real try for swap!


I am always amazed at how many of your projects take so many steps. You have a lot of patience also for small, intricate cutting and “neatening” things up. It is your attention to detail and the finishes that make your projects outstanding to me!

That room is going to be amazing!!!

I always feel like members here are so willing to share their ideas and give excellent tutorials and support. I would not have tried so many things if not for them…masterboards, fabric beads, quilting tips, assemblage…just so much!

Thanks for sharing!


Awww, thank you! I definitely enjoy the nit-picky parts of many projects I do! That room might well have about 50 hours in it already and there is so much more to do. Maybe I will post it as it stands so far. It’s empty, but it’s a finished room!

And I agree about how generous the crafters here are with their knowledge and skills.


My goals are different this year, since I seem to just not get to crafting during the school year, so here it is for the next 3 months - School is out June 24th.

28 Freeze holders for students
28 Cups for students
28 mug rugs with student art work
swim dress
Year end gift bags

school shirts
classroom decor

Autumn decor
Winter decor


I think many people craft like you…in certain breaks during the year. Teachers in particular have work to do even after they leave the classroom as well as personal and family things to tend to!

How wonderful that you have found your time and able to plan out what you want to make. I find that often times, being under a time deadline makes me much more productive!

wow–that is a lot of mug rugs…but what a cool project! Please post when you get them done!

  • I am making less than usual but since I started working full-time 3 years ago that’s become my new normal I guess. Covid did not see a great increase in productivity, I experienced a paralysis of inspiration that seemed to be common for many other makers. I do feel I’m maintaining a steady pace now though, making when I can, breaking when I feel like it.
  • My project size hasn’t changed but I’m making more for myself and our home instead of immediately needing to get rid of something the minute it’s finished, lol.
  • I’ve managed to tackle the WIP pile and also just let go of those projects that are stagnating because I’ve lost interest. No guilt, I craft as therapy so torturing myself to finish something I don’t want to do would be backwards. Of course I still get inspired by new ideas but I’m putting a pin into most of those in favour of finishing what I have already on the go. I’m trying to shop from stash too, that’s a big change.
  • Going forward, I need to work on a project with my sister for our aunt so that’s what I’ll be doing more than anything else. We’re going to self-publish her poetry and she’ll need illustrations, mine will be fiber based of course. I hope to create really large work as those photograph better for books. They will hopefully end up in an exhibition, big plans!
  • I made quite a few abandonable positive affirmations but ended up sending them to people we know, everybody seemed to need a lift at one point or another. I can always do more!
  • I did make something random that I found when browsing, this silly little cupcake pin cushion ring from a bottle cap. It’s adorable.
  • My fave project so far this year was scrappy coasters, they were so much fun to make! So much fun. I’ll make more, they were just the best project.
  • I don’t love long crochet projects so this C2C baby blanket was a chore to get through. So glad it’s done though!
  • @Abbeeroad made the cutest scrappy rainbow baby books, of course I totally had to make some of those. I am loaded with scraps!

You really hit the nail on the head…the pandemic did not exactly inspire people to do more or to be all that productive. It is still a bit depressing. Sometimes having too much time on one’s hands can be stifling…I know for myself, working under a deadline makes me much more efficient and able to finish projects.

So glad that this thread is exposing some missed projects! I did not see either yours or @Abbeeroad 's color books! Now, of course, I want to make some!!! I love your scrappy projects! I think we three are also lovers of rainbow anything and batiks!


That project for your aunt, having her poems published and you and your sister illustrating the book, sounds awesome!


Our cousin, auntie’s daughter, & my daughter & our mom too.
She is the best aunt. She’s going through chemo for pancreatic cancer. Helping get her book published is the least we can do as a family.


So sorry to hear about her cancer. I hope she’ll recover.
What a wonderful gift you are making her!

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