CLOSED-50 Projects, Let's Do This! 2022

I may call on friends here for fabric scraps to make very fancy dragons!

I wonder if anybody would like to help me choose a doll pattern for a friends new baby? Hopefully we’re going to meet the little one soon, I can make one of those patterns quickly :slight_smile:

  1. I had a bit of a craft slump during last year, so this year has been more creative and more projects on the go
  2. I am currently working on a couple of large projects, which has stalled my finished numbers and I think overall probably a bit larger.
  3. Mostly new, but I am spending a lot of time on a large cross stitch WIP that’s been in a drawer for 15+ years!
  4. Apart from a mask (boring!) I think everything I have made or am in the process of making is for others
  5. I have made swap items and personal items.
  6. I don’t know if browsing means online, but I found a crochet blanket pattern when browsing a craft store and bought it and promptly started making it - although it did take me 8 months to complete!
  7. It would have to be the ami I made for my husband last month (which I just realised I haven’t put on my completed list!), but the blanket above was a pretty close second!
  8. I think the masks I have made. As much as I enjoy making something personal (my boys picked their fabrics), I am a bit sick of masks.
  9. I am always inspired by makers here, but I haven’t made anything specifcally from that inspiration

I loved your ami because of the backstory! Things we learn here!

I agree…I was sort of glad that they recommended higher grade masks, which I purchased. I was so sick of making them. I did get so many scraps, though, since my sister also made them and gave me her scraps. I am trying to think of a FUN project to make with them and not something that reminds me of masks!

That blanket is a project of a lifetime! It is just so calming and interesting. I agree that big projects lessen the count, but, it is not really about the count but the goals you set for yourself in what you want to get done.

  • I am making more this year than last.
  • Larger - using up the good stuff by making clothes and bags
  • New - lots of new for myself! see previous answer
  • YES! this happens to me all the time. I made a jumble bead necklace that I don’t think I’ve posted yet.
  • in 2022, my The Liberty Tote bag in 2021 the sweater of pinkness
  • If I don’t like it I don’t finish, like the socks I started :frowning: I just stop and frog, or toss back in the fabric pile, or toss in the trash.
  • All the paper crafts and junk journaling has really inspired me to keep a collage journal on my desk and I’ve been adding to them over the year. I finished out a general journal and started a new “mental health/what makes me happy” journal.

I know I’m not usually a participant in this along, but this is too fun not to join in! I finally have a chance to jot down some answers!!

  1. Are you making more or less than last year? I’m honestly not sure. I’m leaning toward less.

  2. Are your projects larger or smaller? About the same? My projects tend to be in the medium range.

  3. Are you doing more new projects or finishing up WIPS? Definitely new projects. I actually don’t have that many on-going WIPs. I get obsessed with a project until it’s done!

  4. Are your projects for others, excluding swaps, or yourself? Always for others. Though I think I’m getting better at making things for myself! Though sometimes things I think I made for myself get stolen, like my Hillview Road Cowl.

  5. Have you made things for swaps, community or personal? Personal (mostly gifts) and swaps. I have actually been light on the swaps so far this year. :thinking:

  6. Have you made something just random, not on your list, just because you love it or found it while browsing? What did you make? I think my scrappy headdresses fall into that category. :laughing:

  1. What was the most favorite thing you made this year? I still love my knitted torc. I love wearing it!

  1. What was the least favorite thing you made this year? While I am loving participating in the Art Journal Craftalong, I am still learning a lot when it comes to paint and drawing and color. Some of my pages I like less than others.

  2. Did anyone on this site inspire you to make something similar? @sheepBlue definitely inspired my ticker tape mug rug I made for @gozer with her amazing ticker tape style art quilts!

Thanks for putting this out there @AIMR! It was a fun exercise to take stock of where I am in my crafty journey so far this year!


I swear I put up this questionnaire so I wouldn’t miss any cool projects! I missed your Liberty bag! So awesome! Liberty prints are meant to be used over and over…even the scraps! I loved the link to how to make unique handles as well.

We also loved seeing your pink sweater saga! It was fun seeing how you persevered and I know it was a labor of love…but you did it!

Sounds like you have a good plan for 2022! Wonderful to see you branching out to other areas!


You certainly have been doing a lot more art projects!

But, also great that you have developed a style with your sewing…especially the scrappiness. I love that you are doing mini quilts in your style and using them to make fun coasters, mug rugs and other gifts. I did miss your ticker tape mug rug!! Fantastic!

And, don’t forget that you taught a class on making a fabric necklace! That is a craft as well…I love mine!


I never kept track of projects before, but Ive been a crafting fool this year. I just got a huge bag of buttons. I used to have a great button collection that just sat in a box, but now I want to do something fabulous with them. Since Im traveling, Ill have to see what supporting materials I can find at the thrift store. Its tough crafting without stash!

  1. Are you making more or less than last year?
    Definitely more! I’m feeling less weighed down and not as much on my plate. My creative juices are
    Coming back.

  2. Are your projects larger or smaller?
    Mostly smaller

  3. Are you doing more new projects or finishing up WIPS?
    I’ve been doing a little of both

  4. Are your projects for others, excluding swaps, or yourself?
    I generally craft for others. I don’t do a lot for myself. But I do hope to get some stuff done that I started last year for myself done soon.

  5. Have you made things for swaps, community or personal?
    Mainly swaps.

  6. Have you made something just random, not on your list, just because you love it or found it while browsing? What did you make? Bonus for a pic! (extra entry)
    Not really

  7. What was the most favorite thing you made this year? Bonus for a pic! (extra entry)
    These chore charts for my kids! They are framed and hang in the hall and they use dry erase markers to check off what they have been done. Been so helpful!

  8. What was the least favorite thing you made this year?
    This keychain. I wish that the top piece had wrapped around. It would have looked batter and stayed in place better.

  9. Did anyone on this site inspire you to make something similar? Shout out with a tag to them and show your project with a pic! Bonus!
    I was inspired to join the pouch swap by my friend @gozer . She told me about the swap and so I joined and had my first venture into making a pouch.

  • Are you making more or less than last year?
    Well, certainly not more than last year. 2020 was very productive for me as I didn’t have a lot of work and still got paid, but then I lost my job and found another and ever since I’ve been very busy. I love my new job, it’s the best job I’ve had, but it does drain my energy.
  • Are your projects larger or smaller?
    Smaller (in hours). I still go to a weekly sewing class, which I’ve done for more than 15 years, for socializing as well as crafting. So I still tend to work on sewing projects one night a week even though I don’t always work very hard, but I don’t spend as much time knitting or stitching. I can finish a sewing project in a couple of hours but knitting and stitching takes ages.
  • Are you doing more new projects or finishing up WIPS?
    Both, as always
  • Are your projects for others, excluding swaps, or yourself?
    I finished a baby quilt recently and want to make another one soon, but I’ve also finished a couple of garments for myself that I haven’t posted yet, and am working on a quilt for myself for the first time in ages.
  • Have you made things for swaps, community or personal?
  • Have you made something just random, not on your list, just because you love it or found it while browsing? What did you make? Bonus for a pic! (extra entry)
  • What was the most favorite thing you made this year? Bonus for a pic! (extra entry)
    Rainbow charm baby quilt - Inspired-along challenge 2022 Entry
  • What was the least favorite thing you made this year?
    Rainbow charm baby quilt - Inspired-along challenge 2022 Entry

This one was a challenge! I wanted to make a simple, fast quilt and I had coveniently forgotten that HST take a lot of time to iron and square up. And I was also really, really not enjoying working on this as I was originally making this for an old friend and their wife. I have increasingly started to dislike the wife and we feel she’s abusive towards him and she’s terribly racist (she didn’t used to be? Or maybe she hid it better). On top of that they also keep having children they can’t cope with and I don’t agree with how they are raised. It’s not my business how many children people have of course, and as a non-parent I don’t know what it’s like from my own experience, but every visit was getting increasingly stressful from the mess (hoarding type mess, not “kids are playing here” mess) all the kids who are basically feral and dramatic fallouts they had with anyone who dared to even offer the slightest criticism. I know other people have gotten social services involved, but when you’re wealthy and well-educated you can get away with a lot.

Then, another dear old friend announced a pregnancy that we hadn’t seen coming and we were so happy for them. I finished the quilt in no time and the soon-to-be parents loved it very much!

I decided to slowly withdraw myself from the situation with the first friend, simply by not reaching out to them anymore, just waiting to see if they did. Well, they didn’t. Crafting can give clarity - if I don’t like someone enough to give them one of my crafted items, maybe they shouldn’t be in my life! And it seems they only had me in their lives to help them out of drama situations they created for themselves. I feel sorry for our old friend because I know they’re trapped in an abusive marriage. I grew up as a child in a situation like that, I know how hard it is to get out. But in the end, it’s not my responsability. He knows where to find us if he decides to leave, even with all the kids in tow.

  • Did anyone on this site inspire you to make something similar? Shout out with a tag to them and show your project with a pic! Bonus!

You have really become quite insightful and wise for your years. I agree that doing something you love and enjoy does bring about more than just a finished project. You “see” things differently and how others react to what you make or your lifestyle helps you to make better decisions. You learn to let toxic things go…bravo for you for recognizing your own feelings and dealing with them in a mature and positive way!

I loved that bright happy quilt you made. I have to say that I was so tickled that you were able to use the charms I sent to you. I feel like I was involved in your process in a tiny way. HSTs are a bear but they can create such beautiful patterns. I am glad you stuck it out!


I have so enjoyed reading everyone’s answers to the questions @AIMR posed! Also seeing project pics again or for the first time. Just really nice to hear a bit more about other crafters’ mindsets and processes.

After reading @Immaculata 's I had to go look up what HST stands for and when I did it made me want to share this baby quilt that was made for little baby me over 50 years ago! Must’ve been 52 years, because it’s pink and blue - just to be safe. :wink:

I photographed it this past winter.


It’s beautiful! I love that you still have it. Half Square Triangles can be a pain to make but they are very versatile. You can make so many different types of blocks from them.


It is so charming, isn’t it? All those polka dots! It has been in a cedar chest for decades, so I have put it up for sale, hoping that it will find a home with someone who has a way to use or display it. It was a difficult decision, but I do really believe it deserves a better life!

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It is in great condition and just goes to show the appeal of those lovely squares! It sure has plenty of life left to be loved by another!

I know that many of the crochet afghans I received from my mom’s friends when I was a baby are now living in good homes and being used by another generation.

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It’s probably best as a display piece or to be made into new things.

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My daughter has at least 4 crochet “baby” blankets that vary greatly in size and stitch patterns and i’ve been debating actually working them into a weirdo big blanket like a patchwork for a larger bed size. I havent gone too deep down that rabbit hole yet, I’m giving my crafting time to a blanket for a baby recently born which is taking way longer than I thought it would (per usual so no surprises there) but if it looks not too Frankenstein-y i might do it when she moves up a bed size. Some are a decent lap throw size so it might be better to leave them apart. Fun to think (ahem, obsess) over though.


I keep thinking I haven’t been very productive but then I update that list & it’s ridiculous. If I counted every item rather than grouping them it’s way over 50. Way over. How come it feels like I’m not doing anything? Weird!


Same here. It makes me even more glad to have this record!

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You are so productive! The list is just a guide. You can count multiples as a group or individually. I usually do if it requires each piece to be embellished and takes over an hour or so. I do this 5-10. Mushrooms, 11-15. Sea life figures. If I do a bunch of cards, or repetitive items, I just list the group. YOU know how much you have done. This is YOUR list!

BTW, I haven’t forgotten the contest. I will be drawing a name for the prize.

Last chance, everyone, to fill out the question. Sunday is the final deadline!!!