CLOSED: Harry Potter Craftalong - Midsummer 2021

Welcome @tendstowardschaos! As Slytherin Head of House I am so glad to welcome you to Slytherin.

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I’ve got a whole special post coming along when my project is ready… but get a load of these beauties!
G is for my Gryffindorable Crew @MistressJennie and @Abbeeroad :kissing_heart:



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I have a bunch of things to post now that all my swap packages have been received. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Class: Astronomy
House: Gryffindor!
Project Name & Page Link: Scrappy Susannah Quilt Block
Brief Description: Made for AIMR in the Quilt Block Swap, this block is mostly red!
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Class: CoMC
House: Gryffindor!
Project Name & Page Link: Tentacle Magnet
Brief Description: Made for the Cryptozoological Swap, this “exhibit a” tentacle comes from the deep. Part of a sea serpent perhaps?
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Challenge: Detention: Advanced Studies
House: Gryffindor!
Project Name & Page Link: Art Journal Pages
Brief Description: Been having a lot of fun with my art journal. Some new pages below.
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Each page takes me at least 1 hour.

Challenge: Detention: Stash
House: Gryffindor!
Project Name & Page Link: Scrappy plant badge/marker
Brief Description: Made for the Green Thumb Swap, this fun little badge can be pinned onto a plant cozie or attached to a stake for a fun plant decoration. Made from lots of little green scraps in my stash.
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Class: Divination
House: Gryffindor!
Project Name & Page Link: Star Halloween Blocks
Brief Description: Made for Mistress Jennie, these Halloween blocks will eventually be combined with blocks made by other LCers into something beautiful I’m sure.
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Class: Flying
House: Gryffindor!
Project Name & Page Link: Heart Quilt Block
Brief Description: Also made for Mistress Jennie, this heart block has four corners and is flat and flexible!
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Challenge: Headmistress: June
House: Gryffindor!
Project Name & Page Link: Sting Ray Stitch
Brief Description: Did you know June was national aquarium month? Me either until I googled for this prompt! :laughing: My favorite aquatic animals to see at the aquarium are the sting rays, so I stitched up a little ray to celebrate these beautiful creatures.
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Challenge: Iron Chef: June Appetizer
House: Gryffindor!
Project Name & Page Link: Peach Avocado Salsa
Brief Description: We visited friends in real life (!!) over the weekend. Of course I had to bring something. Using what I had, I whipped up some peach avocado salsa and fried tortilla chips to bring as a pre-dinner snack.
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Class: Muggle Studies
House: Gryffindor!
Project Name & Page Link: Plant Cozie
Brief Description: For the Green Thumb Swap I stitched up a plant cozie. A fashionable accessory for any plant - here modeled by my snake plant. I used fabric that can easily be displayed outdoors if desired.
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Class: SoAR
House: Gryffindor!
Project Name & Page Link: Zig Zag Path Quilt Block
Brief Description: Made for roler in the Quilt Block Swap, this block uses three different fabrics that come together to make a super cool pattern!
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A new Hermione’s Book Club prompt has been posted!

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Class or Challenge Title: Detention - Advanced Studies
House: Gryffindor!
Project Name & Page Link: Secret Advanced Studies Project
Brief Description: This project is being made for our Advanced Studies Examiner herself, Ms. Abbeeroad. She knows something is in the works, but not what it is. Normally if another participant was in the same boat, I’d have them send me a pic of their progress to fulfill the Advanced Studies prompt. Since I can’t send a pic to myself, I’ve sent pics to @Whistlefish, so someone can vouch for me deserving House Points.
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:no_entry_sign: :camera_flash: :shushing_face:

Class or Challenge Title: Divination
House: Gryffindor!
Project Name & Page Link: Silk Dragon Egg Bag
Brief Description: This project is both a gift for someone, and was made during a craft date. I got through a little more than half on the LC June Tea Party Zoom. It’s on its way to my dad as a Father’s Day gift.
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Class or Challenge Title: Headmistress - June
House: Gryffindor!
Project Name & Page Link: Byzantine Weave Chain Maile Keychain
Brief Description: Inspired by one of the many holiday of June; Father’s Day. I made this fun little keychain to go with the silk dragon egg bag for my dad. He loves shades of blue and teal, so I used dark blue, teal, sky blue, and silver rings, with a blue agate bead, and lump of polished blue agate.
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Class or Challenge Title: Quidditch - Preseason Training
House: Gryffindor!
Project Name & Page Link: Chocolicious Breakfast Bars
Brief Description: During the summer, I try to swim every day. The neighborhood pool is adults only lap time from 5:00-7:00, then the swim team takes over. Since I have a brief window between waking up and needing to be out of the water, and since my doctor ordered me to eat breakfast before exercising, I need something fast and portable in the mornings. Last month I made some oatmeal & zucchini breakfast bars, and finally ran out of them, so it was time to try a new breakfast bar recipe. This one called for butterscotch chips, but I couldn’t find any that were dairy free, so I just used mini chocolate chips instead, and for a flavor boost, I added some decaf instant coffee to the batter. They are quite tasty! And rather like eating cake for breakfast…
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I shall vouch for @mistressjennie! She has made progress and @Abbeeroad is going to be one very lucky lady when this project is done! :grin:


You’re such a sweetheart!

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Class or Challenge Title: Book Club: Ch1 Owl Post
SPEW or LC Contest: n/a
House: Slytherin
Project Name & Page Link: Knitted Cat
Brief Description: Working on this in secret (from LCers) has kept me busy for a few weeks. But now it is finished and has been received so I can share!
Project Picture:


So many wonderful crafts already :smiley: Finally feel like I’m returning to the world of crafts, just in time as I see the Quidditch is soon due! LET THE GAMES BEGIN!

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Class or Challenge Title: Summer Quidditch - preseason training
House: Hufflepuff
Project Name & Page Link: Chicken casserole
Brief Description: Trying to be better at cooking, Im always on the lookout for easy recipes, and when I found this I felt I should give it a try. Easy done, with just some garlic, curry, chiliflakes, chicken, chicken broth, tomatos and heavy cream. Mix and put in the oven. Since it is curry in, it turned yellow-ish, so I hope that would fit for the Quidditch preseason.
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Class or Challenge Title: Detention Challenge - WIP
House: Hufflepuff
Project Name & Page Link: Delicios goats
Brief Description: Been working on this piece since dec 2020, and its finally done! Now I just need to find a good frame for my lovely goats!
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Excellent cross stitch!!

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Class or Challenge Title: Book Club: Chapter 1 Owl Post
SPEW or LC Contest: Birds, Bees, Flowers, Trees….Summertime Site Wide Challenge 6/2-6/30/2020
House: :lion: Gryffindor :lion:
Project Name & Page Link: Summer Days Summer Nights Mini Quilt
Brief Description: For my entry to the sitewide summer challenge, I decided to work alongside some other commitments and make something just for myself. It was a really fun project. When the fabric bundle arrived the bathing beauties screamed Dresden Plate to me, so that was the inspiration for the mini quilt.
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I love the mini quilt, the colours are very summer

And the goat cross stitch is fabulous, I love the quote

Class or Challenge Title: Iron Chef - Appetizer
House: Hufflepuff
Project Name & Page Link: Roasted sweet pepper and feta dip - Ultra Creamy Feta Roasted Red Pepper Dip | Don't Go Bacon My Heart
Brief Description: I love nothing more than a few different dips, and things to dip, as a sharing appetizer. This one has been on my to-make list for a while, so this seemed like a good time to try it. It is so easy and so tasty - I had to make myself put the tub back in the fridge, I could have kept eating!
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I am almost at the end of my current advanced study, so I am proposing a new one now, to try and keep my momentum going!

Project Name: Memory teddies
House: Hufflepuff
Brief Description: I have been asked to make five of these teddy bears, using fleecy jumpers that belonged to the grandmother of the children they are going to.

I will need to take apart the jumpers and attach iron on interfacing to support the fabric. I then need to cut out and sew 5 of them, trying to carefully utilise the different colours and the one jumper with embroidered elements. I am aiming for no 2 bears to be identical. I will be using fastener backed eyes and noses, rather than embroidery/beads that are used in the pattern.


Class/Challenge: Quidditch - Preseason Training
House: Ravenclaw
Project Name: Pin Display
Brief Description: My enamel pins & pinback buttons used to be displayed together, but I ran out of room & had to reorganize my collection. All of the buttons are now on the old display & I made a new one for the enamel pins by crocheting a circle (using crochet thread) & mounting it in a hoop. Now all of my enamel pins fit with plenty of room!
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I have the Kind pin too!

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Class or Challenge Title: Quidditch preseasom practice
SPEW or LC Contest:
House: Slytherin
Project Name & Page Link: Meringue mushrooms recipe
Brief Description: my friends son is turning 15 tomorrow and I decided to make him a cake. He did not make it easy on me when I asked what flavour he liked… “as long as it’s not mushroom” was his answer. After giving me that answer three times on different questions I asked I had a plan to mess with him by surprising him with a mushroom cake. I decided to make things easier on myself and make the mushrooms a day earlier.
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Wow! They look great :smiley: Cooking meringue always intimidates me. Do you have any tips?

I was also scared of it before but it’s real easy, not much you can do wrong with them, even if you sort of mess up a little it will still dry well.

Make sure the egg whites aren’t super old, beat them real good and bake them for a long time. I try to follow the recipes, adding the sugar after beating the egg whites. Many recipes suggest cream of tartar but i use lemon juice as I don’t have that cream of tartar easily available.

Oh, and if you’re planning to make meringues with star shaped tips or something like that it’s best not to leave the mixture standing for too long, the crisp edges will be soft.

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