50 Projects, More or Less, 2021

Thank you so much! :two_hearts: :grin: It was a joint project between my now-husband and myself. I am also delighted with how it turned out.


Congrats on the wedding! Great projects!

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Thank you so much, @AntBee and @tendstowardschaos! It was so different from how it was planned, but I loved and appreciated every minute! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’m SOOOOO glad that I didn’t try to make my own dress in the end, though. I think that would have actually caused some kind of breakdown… :joy:


Another project dump! Listed in the order in which I managed to get pictures of the project rather than any sort of chronology of when they were made, because time has no meaning, pandemic time doubly so (with apologies to Douglas Adams).

  1. A batch of doll dresses (surprise!). I managed to get 5 dresses out of a quarter yard of batik - there were two of the smallest size originally.

  1. Three dresses in various sizes from this yellow star print

  1. Tiny but mighty Itty Bitty Boxy Pouch

  2. Blythe Sweater (made with this pattern) that doesn’t actually fit a Blythe


I want to knit tiny sweaters…I have so much sock yarn…

Covid 19: the Universe’s longest lunch!

Amazing tiny things… you’re a marvel! What are the dimensions on that wee box pouch?


Or (to switch universe) perhaps the Long Dark Teatime of Social Isolation? But yes time is definitely an illusion especially now. (we’re at what, March 370th 2020?)

That sweater is super cute, even if you had to switch what doll size it fit-- what did you knit with? (One of my old BJD friends used to knit tiny sweaters with needles made of piano wire)


I have no concept of time since I retired…we have six calendars posted all over our house just so I know what day it is! The only reason it matters for me, really, is that I don’t like to go anywhere during a workday lunch period (crowded food places!) or end up stuck in work traffic at the end of the day…they say it gets some getting used to!

I knit Barbie and Blythe sweaters using size 0, 1 and 2’s…I had to get metal needles because I kept breaking the tiny bamboo ones.


@AIMR have a set of circulars with really short tips that works well for knitting doll sweaters, but otherwise all my bamboo dpns in that size are very curved. Thankfully only one or two has broken.

  1. A skirt for a larger size than I normally craft for (45cm ish)

  2. And then I learned to make pleats (not pictured - the rather mangled prototype that’s an unholy mash-up between this skirt and the one above)

  3. 98 cent Curtain


The tiny pleated skirt is so cute…and I looked up that fork method…I use a fork to make bows and pompoms, so it made sense! A fork is in my tool jar on my sewing table…lol

thank you for that sweet offer. I am overloaded with commitments so will decline.

It’s making me a bit crackers that I have finished, like, 6 things that I can’t post (yet)! I’ll be shipping my IYP Swap package tomorrow, so hopefully by the end of the week I can open the gates and flood my list! I also have a “set” WIP that is half done and is waiting on something so I can complete it. ARRRRRRRG!


Trillian-I love that doll sweater.
ErChanHime-I particularly adore your hairpin. My daughter is just learning to use resin, I never have. I can’t imagine how you get the movement with the wires while using resin. Very pretty.


Thank you! It’s not actually resin. It’s glue and nail polish!! :grin: :two_hearts: I used this tutorial mostly, and then some experimentation.


Well, I FINALLY get to add pics from a swap package I made, because it’s going to be delivered today! I am going on the assumption that my parnter won’t be checking my post for updates on this thread, of course, so I haven’t made them their own topics, yet. But while I was at it, I realized I hadn’t updated with a few other projects. I’ve hit (I think?) the halfway mark! Well, if 50 is the finish line, which it isn’t really. And you count a couple of placeholders. Ahem.



Figured this would be a good place to come out of lurking and start with blaming my sister (@Tanath) for getting me on here.

Haven’t done much art since becoming a parent a few years ago up until Sep 1st of last year. In order to battle the pandemic induced brain rot, I decided to dedicate at least 15 minutes to art every day.

A good portion of the projects I’ve worked on have been drawing (something I never thought I was good at) but I have been trying to explore other forms of creation as well.

I’ll go by list formats I saw above and try to keep this up to date :slight_smile:.

2021 Completed Projects by Month

  1. Drawing - Rose
  2. Origami - Butterfly
  3. Drawing - Ear
  4. Drawing - Duckling
  5. Origami - UFO (With my son)
  6. Drawing - Baby Yoda (Grogu) and Mandalorian Helmet
  7. Drawing - TY (With my Daughter)
  8. Drawing - Mountains
  9. Drawing - Wolf Head
  10. Mandala (With my Daughter)
  11. Origami - Dragons (With my son)
  12. Drawing - Double sided interchangeable doodle
  13. Drawing - Penguin
  14. Drawing - Croc and Eel
  15. Drawing - Outside the pretty box
  16. Drawing - Good/Bad
  17. Origami - :heart: :smiling_imp:
  18. Tape - Gift Box
  19. Drawing - Jug
  20. Drawing - Yin&Yang Dragons
  21. Drawing - Dragon Heart
  22. Lego - Accessible Mary-go-round (with son)
  23. Drawing - Impossible Heart


  1. Lego - 100 days of school (with son)
  2. Origami - Sectional Spheroid
  3. Weave - Cord Bracelet
  4. Drawing - Polydragon (with daughter)
  5. Lego - Leprechaun (Family effort)
  6. Drawing - Cat eyes


  1. Mandala (with daughter)
  2. Drawing - Feline(ish) Alien?
  3. Drawing - Rose
  4. Needle Felting - Rockhopper Penguin
  5. Drawing - Peacock in Color Pencil
  6. Message in a Walnut


  1. Drawing - Dragon Head
  2. Drawing - Waterfall
  3. Drawing - Bunny :smiley:
  4. Drawing - Clueless Dude:
  5. Drawing - Jackalope
  6. Drawing - Spirograph
  7. Furniture - Re-finished the dining table
  8. Knitting - Learning how to
  9. Drawing - Pixie and Brutus Epic Adventure
  10. Drawing - Smoke


  1. Jewelry - Learning wire working techniques
  2. Drawing - Dragon Unicorn (With Daughter)
  3. Drawing - Water Lilies Monet style (With Son)
  4. Origami - Irises (With Son)
  5. Hurley 2berius Okeanós - The water keeper
  6. Drawing - Dritten
  7. Jewelry - Chainmaille Necklace
  8. Drawing - Irises (with the kids)
  9. Drawing - Iris
  10. Drawing - Line Art - Fox
  11. Drawing - Nyan Cat (with Daughter)
  12. Drawing - Iris
  13. Paper Cutout - Inspired by Alexander Calder’s work (with Son)


  1. Drawing - Hands/Love
  2. Drawing - Loom / River boats - Inspired by this photojenn’s weave
  3. Drawing - Broom with a magic hat carrying buckets (For my mom)
  4. Chainmaille - Crown
  5. Drawing - Fire and Ice / Phoenix and Dragon
  6. Origami - Ocean Life (With Son)
  7. Jewelry - Chainmaille Bracelet
  8. Drawing - Mandala
  9. Drawing - Mandala (With Daughter)


  1. Poetry - Just trying to put it down into words
  2. Drawing - A Hug
  3. Drawing - A Harp (working separately but with Sister @Tanath)
  4. Drawing - Mandala
  5. Drawing - Mandala
  6. Drawing - Drops on a flower
  7. Drawing - Flower
  8. Drawing - Heart of stone
  9. Drawing - Heart of stone
  10. Sand - Heart Castle (with Kids)


  1. Drawing - Washington Landscape in portrait
  2. Origami - Dragon (With Son)
  3. Origami - Heart - Secret
  4. Photography - Rose heart and flag
  5. Drawing - Fairy
  6. Photography - Sunset and Twilight

  7. Sand - Castle (with Kids)
  8. Drawing - Feather on sand
  9. Drawing - Mandala
  10. Photography - Fishing the Sun
  11. Photography - Panoramic Twilight
  12. Drawing - Heart - Pencil Shavings
  13. Drawing - Thaber tooth tiger
  14. Origami - Winged Heart
  15. Rock Painting
  16. Drawing - Recreating school notes
  17. Food - Creative plating (with Son)
  18. Drawing - Gryphon
  19. Drawing - Mouse/Dragon? Mougon? Drouse? Either way, done. His name is Darius.
  20. Clay Pottery (with Kids)
  21. Drawing - Mandala
  22. Drawing - LPS (with Daughter)


  1. Drawing - Fox Face
  2. Drawing - Apple
  3. Drawing - Shofar
  4. Chainmaille - Bracelet
  5. Drawing - Boat
  6. Ring - Clef
  7. Drawing - Lighthouse
  8. Drawing - Guard Tower
  9. Drawing - Seashell


  1. Drawing - Baby Thresher Shark
  2. Drawing - Harpy Eagle
  3. Painting - Flowers (with Daughter)
  4. Drawing - Cat (with Daughter)

  5. Painting - Cat (with Daughter)
  6. Drawing - Nature to paper - Green Python
  7. Shrinky Dinks - Recycled
  8. Coloring in - Island
  9. Drawing - Cheshire Cat
  10. Drawing - Owl
  11. Drink Mixing - Geeky Drinks
  12. Drawing - Owl in Pencil
  13. Drawing - Cat/Bat Witch and Fire-lizard Heating a Cauldron
  14. Drawing - Floofy Wolfy


  1. Décor - Cat on Pumpkin
  2. Photography - Dew on a Leaf
  3. Drawing - Bridge Over Water - Eraser on Pencil
  4. Pumpkin Carving - Redwall and Cat
  5. Drawing - Gyrfalcon
  6. Photography - Views thru prisms
  7. Baking - Challahs (with the kids)
  8. Baking - Birthday Cake
  9. Jewelry - Clef Bracelet
  10. Coloring in - Cat/Fox (with Daughter)


  1. Jewelry - Clasp ring
  2. Sewing - Fixing the machine and learning how to use it
  3. Drawing - Fox
  4. Drawing - Hug
  5. Drawing - Nature photo to paper + imagination
  6. Baking - Nutella Brownies - Recipe
  7. Melting Beads - turtles, cat, flowers and love (with Daughter)
  8. Painting - Impromptu box painting (with Daughter)

  9. Cooking - Peruvian Green Spaghetti (Work Team Building/Holiday Virtual Party)

2021 WIP Projects


I have a few projects in addition to the items I made for the IYP swap to add to my list.

The oldest…this afghan I made for our camper. I started it more than a year ago, and it sat, almost finished, for a few months because weaving in the ends is my least favorite part (old picture…see all those awful strings?!).

A pair of dog collars:

I crocheted a pair of fruit hammocks to hang under my kitchen cabinets. The other is a doily and hangs under this one (forgot to take a picture). I used up the last of my cotton yarn, too.

I 3D-printed, then painted, a pair of needle cases. The one for @Bunny1kenobi got some bling, too:

A simple needle minder made from fabric-covered buttons:

A pearl and crystal bracelet:

A mini book necklace:

And some hand dyed, handspun yarn:


Gorgeous! So lucky to have received most of that stuff in the IYP… what an amazing partner you are!!


Thank you! It was a pleasure to craft for you.

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