Explanation of the owling - a friend went out of town, and her and her sister-in-law have been passing an owl statue back and forth in each other’s yards… I suggested we take it one step further and owl the INSIDE of her house, since SIL had access… hence, Hiddon Owl Operation (H.O.O.) was born!
Prompt: October Battle dictionary
Team: Resting Grinch Face
Project Name: Tequila Bottle “clothing”
Brief Description: So this is a long story, but it all started with my phone’s swype dictionary that thought when I tried to swype “something” that what I really meant was “sombrero free”. Because that’s totally an everyday word. Unlike “something”. I posted this to FB, my friend replied, and so on his birthday… he go a sombrero (and poncho) wearing bottle of tequila!
Project Photo(s):
Prompt: October - Simile
Team: Resting Grinch Face
Project Name: Spray Cheese is Love art
Brief Description: Okay, technically a metaphor, but since people always get those mixed up, anyway… and really, spray cheese is also like love, in that it’s messy but wonderful? This was drawn as a Thank You card, there’s a group of us who volunteer to send out thank yous to people who donate to one of the animal rescue groups (Always and Furever).
Project Photo(s):
Prompt: October Malapropism
Team: Resting Grinch Face
Project Name: The Pumpkin Scream
Brief Description: Made for my Pumpkin All The Things… thing, this year I decided to put a pumpkiny twist on famous art! Definitely something not quite right here…
Project Photo(s):
Prompt: October Neologism
Team: Resting Grinch Face
Project Name: Macrame Owl
Brief Description: I actually don’t think I’ve ever done macrame, I was born int he 70s but didn’t start crafting until the 80s, and the trend had faded by then. But when you’re owling someone’s house, how can you not have the classic macrame owl?!
Project Photo(s):
Prompt: October Free Range #1
Team: Resting Grinch Face
Project Name: Pug Art
Brief Description: Also for a thank you card for Always and Furever!
Project Photo(s):
Prompt: October Free Range 2
Team: Resting Grinch Face
Project Name: Relay for Rescue Shirt
Brief Description: I was taking part in a charity event, but wasn’t going in-person and my registration was messed up so I didn’t get my t-shirt in time. They’d sent us a graphis we could print out and pin to our shirt, but I decided to just make a shirt, instead!
Project Photo(s):
Prompt: Advent - Autumn Leaves
Team: Resting Grinch Face
Project Name: Owl Rocks
Brief Description: Again, for the owling of my friend’s house! These were done in lots of layers, letting them dry in between (including the time I painted over everything I did because I hated the colors I’d picked!
Project Photo(s):
Prompt: Advent - Corn Mazw
Team: Resting Grinch Face
Project Name: Owl Button Hoop
Brief Description: I think it’s a fun interpretation of vaguely an owl! Another craft done for the owling!
Project Photo(s):
Prompt: Advent - Pumpkins
Team: Resting Grinch Face
Project Name: Little Blue Owl
Brief Description: Just a little blue (and white) owl with a face, made for the owling!
Project Photo(s):
Prompt: Advent - Halloween
Team: Resting Grinch Face
Project Name: Black (and greyish) Owl
Brief Description: Another little owl!
Project Photo(s):
Prompt: Big Time 1
Team: Resting Grinch Face
Project Name: Owl Art
Brief Description: For the owling (of course!)
Project Photo(s):
Prompt: Big Time 2
Team: Resting Grinch Face
Project Name: Brown Owl
Brief Description: For… you guessed it, the owling!
Project Photo(s):
Prompt: Big Time 3
Team: Resting Grinch Face
Project Name: Crochet Cat
Brief Description: Something not for the owling! This was an ami I started quite awhile ago for a friend…
Project Photo(s):
Prompt: Zap 1
Team: Resting Grinch Face
Project Name: Owl Bookmarks
Brief Description: …three guesses as to why I made owl bookmarks…
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