~ Craft Prompts Crescent ~

~Class Prompts~ 

Alchemy: The introduction of Alchemy to Latin Europe can be dated to 1144 through the translation of an Arabic book. Translate a written pattern into a physical product or celebrate the year and craft something that has an element of doubling up.
Apparition: Even though Apparation is the fastest means of travel, there are many who prefer broomsticks, the Floo Network or Portkeys. For this term craft something with the help of booms or brushes, a fireplace (or the use of fire), or something that you consider magical when touching.
Arithmancy: Fortune telling of any kind is an imprecise magic. Using your best divination skills, tackle a project where the end result is not a given. For example, recreate an item you’ve fallen in love with when seen in a movie or TV show- no patterns or step-by-step guidance. Or, make a new recipe off-the-cuff where you’re not sure how it will come out. (Pantry Surprise!)
Astronomy: The night sky is always changing. Using the stars as your inspiration craft something that changes as you use it, or something that shines and reflects.
: Care of Magical Creatures: This term we are studying the Common Welsh Green , a species native to Wales. Study this dragon by crafting something that uses an element of green or inspired by a symbol of Wales, like the daffodil, a Lovespoon, or a leek.
Charms: This term we are working on Aguamenti. As you know this spell creates water. For homework make something that uses water as a key ingredient. This could be a watercolor painting; a tie-dye shirt, or perhaps make a delicious autumnal soup. Alternatively make something that is related to the sea, oceans or rivers.
Defense Against the Dark Arts (DADA): This term we will be studying Vampyres and how to defend against them. Create something that features vampyres, or expand this study by making a cloak, or a halloween costume. You may also craft using mirrors, wooden sticks or garlic; or make something that incorporates both red and black.
Divination: This term we will be studying the practice of Automatic Writing. While holding a pen or pencil, you allow whatever symbols, pictures, or words that flow through you end up on your parchment. To demonstrate your mastery of this subject create something using pencil or ink in its creation. This could be a drawing or making prints using ink. Alternatively, you may also create something that is so familiar to you, that you can almost make it with thinking.
Flying: Skills and drills are key to making a quality quidditch player. For this term show your work as you practice the skills in your craft of choice. Examples would be: making an embroidery stitch sampler, a blanket of varied crochet stitch blocks, practice work using the tools of your hobby like welding practice, etc. Alternatively, you could do something directly related to flight or flying animals.
Herbology: Plants bring better air quality indoors and add beauty to wherever you find them. For this assignment please work with plants and/or plant accessories. Work on a floral arrangement for a special event, carefully repot your Venomous Tentacula in a planter you’ve painted, or knit a cozy for your Mimbulus Mimbmimbletonia.
History of Magic (HoM): A main focus for this class is being able to recall important names, places, and events. For your assignment, craft something to commemorate an event or to remember someone or someplace special to you. For example, an embroidered birth announcement, a painting of your childhood home or summer escape, a sewn or quilted item made from a meaningful piece of clothing.
Muggle Studies: Muggles use many means to accomplish what a witch or wizard can do with magic. For your assignment, craft something using non-magical tools and resources- for example, use a manual drill, find your patterns in a library book rather than on the internet, cook something over an open fire rather than in the kitchen.
Potions: High quality ingredients make high quality potions. For this assignment you are to use the good stuff . You might break out that yarn you bought 10 years ago but never found a pattern worthy of it, use the fabric you have been hoarding and make a tote bag you can carry every day, or finally allow yourself to purchase the supplies you need to make something you’ve been wanting for a long time but couldn’t justify the expense. Show your work.
Study of Ancient Runes To one uneducated in translating and reading runes the written texts might look like elaborate decoration. Use your skills to create a project with “hidden” meaning for a unique audience. For example, a beaded bracelet which spells out a message in morse code, an “undercover fandom” item that another fan would recognize but not everyone would.
Transfiguration: In transfiguration class we learn how to change one object into another. For this assignment please create something that is vastly different than the sum of its parts.
House Pride Challenge: Please craft something by your chosen Hogwarts House.
House Unity Challenge: Please craft something inspired by another Hogwarts House, or by all of the Houses/School combined.

~ Detention Challenges ~ 

Advanced Studies Challenge: Put in 2 hours on an ongoing Advanced Studies project, and be prepared to show before & after progress shots.
Reparo Challenge: Repair something, alter something to suit you, or complete a large organization project.
Stash Challenge: Craft something solely from your stash.
WIP Challenge: Complete a Work In Progress.

~ Headmistress Prompts ~ 

November Challenge
(May be submitted through January 31)
In honor of our late friend Robbie Coltrane, please craft something inspired by Hagrid. It may be something large in size, something cuddly, something for an animal in your life, etc.
December Challenge
(May be submitted through January 31)
This month is a gift from me to you. Craft anything you like. You may submit it 7 times.
January Challenge

New Year, time to dive into a new project you’re excited to start in on. This may be in any medium, old or new.
Iron Chef Around the World Challenge! 
This term we’ll take our taste buds on a trip! A random country will be selected each month to serve as inspiration for new recipes, dishes, and ideas. Whether you fun inspiration in a whole dish or a single ingredient, I hope you’ll join me on this tour of flavor. Complete all 4 challenges for a sticker surprise!
January -
Peru Ah, a new year. Time for new resolutions and goals. Visiting Peru has been one of my long-time personal goals, and the food is one of the main reasons! If you haven’t tried Peruvian chicken, you don’t know what you’re missing (don’t forget the green sauce!). Pair it with some yuca fries and cinnamon cake for dessert!

~ Hermione’s Book Club ~ 

Chapter 2: The Scar November 1 - January 31
The experience at the Riddle House is shown to be a dream, and Harry wakes up with his scar hurting. He considered writing to his best friends Ron and Hermione, or Dumbledore, but eventually decides to write to his godfather Sirius, who is in hiding. Harry does not mention the dream, only his scar hurting, and plans to send the letter once Hedwig returns from hunting. For this challenge please craft something you’ve dreamed about making. Alternatively, you may craft something that will be mailed to someone special.
Chapter 3: The Invitation December 1 - January 31
Aunt Petunia has put the entire family on a diet, which Harry’s not following. A letter arrives from Molly Weasley, addressed to the Dursley’s. She asks if Harry can join them at the Quidditch World Cup. Unfortunately, the letter upsets Uncle Vernon, because there are so many stamps on the envelope that the postman actually rang the doorbell to laugh about it. However, one mention of Sirius Black is enough to convince him to let Harry go. Harry writes to Ron, confirming that they can come pick him up. Harry writes an extra sentence or two to Sirius’s letter explaining that he will be heading to The Burrow, before sending the letter via Hedwig. For this challenge, please craft something funny, or that includes stamps or stamping. Alternatively, you may craft something for one of your closest friends.
Chapter 4: Back to the Burrow January 1-31
The Weasleys attempt to use Floo Powder to pick up Harry, unaware that the Dursleys have an electric fireplace. The Dursleys meanwhile are shocked and furious after Mr. Weasley destroys half the sitting room. Mr Weasley sends the boys back, but not before Fred purposely drops a Ton-Tongue Toffee. Dudley, unable to resist a sweet, eat it and his tongue grows gigantic. Harry exits for the Burrow as Uncle Vernon starts throwing china figurines at Mr Weasley. For this challenge, craft something no one will be able to resist.