Everyday Holidays Craftalong Winter 2025

:books: Resources for January Daily Holidays :books:

Name of Holiday Resources
Thank Goodness It’s Monday (first Monday)
Play Outside Day (every first Saturday)
Clean Off Your Desk Day (second Monday)
Shop for Travel Day (second Tuesday)
Vision Board Day (second Saturday)
Sunday Supper Day (second Sunday)
Martin Luther King Jr Day (third Monday)
Use Your Gift Cards Day (third Saturday)
World Snow Day (third Sunday)
World Religion Day (third Sunday; celebrates the commonality of the major faiths of the world)
New Year’s day(Jan 1) New Year’s article on History.com
New Year’s Day Wikipedia Entry
International Public Domain (Jan 1)
Polar Bear Plunge Day (Jan 1)
Hangover Day (Jan 1)
World introvert day (Jan 2) Introversion (article from Psychology Today)
Goodreads Summary of the book Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking, by Susan Cain
Buffet Day (Jan 2)
Cream Puff Day (Jan 2)
Personal Trainer Day (Jan 2)
Science Fiction Day (Jan 2)
JRR Tolkien day (Jan 3) JRR Tolkien Encyclopedia Britannica article
The Tolkien Society
JRR Tolkien The One Wiki to Rule Them All Fandom
Chocolate-Covered Cherry Day (Jan 3)
Drinking Straw Day (Jan 3) Grasping at Straws: The Ableism of the Straw Ban, article from Center for Disability Rights
Spaghetti day (Jan 4) Spaghetti and Its Sauces (article from History.ca)
How to make homemade pasta with and without pasta machine (article and video from All Recipes)
World Braille Day (Jan 4)
World Hypnotism Day (Jan 4)
Missouri Day (Jan 4)
Trivia Day (Jan 4)
Bird day (Jan 5) Birds of the World, Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Avibase - The World Bird Database
Screenwriters Day (Jan 5)
Whipped Cream Day (Jan 5)
Bean day (Jan 6) Pulses Recipes
History of the Bean from vegetablefacts.net
Cuddle Up Day (Jan 6)
Shortbread Day (Jan 6)
Technology Day (Jan 6)
Old Rock day (Jan 7) Fossil Rock Anthem
Words from the Wild - It’s Geo Time, video from the Kingston Frontenac Public Library for ages 5 and up
Rocks Facts from National Geographic
Rocks: Igneous, Metamorphic and Sedimentary (article from Geology.com)
Bobblehead Day (Jan 7)
Tempura Day (Jan 7)
Bubble Bath day (Jan 8)
World Typing Day (Jan 8)
Winter Skin Relief day (Jan 8)
Earth’s Rotation Day (Jan 8)
English Toffee Day (Jan 8)
Vision board day (Jan 8) 51 Vision Board Ideas for Your Important Goals—article from Develop Good Habits blog, contains an explanation of what a vision board is and how to create one.
Joygerm Day (Jan 8; spread happiness)
Static Electricity day (Jan 9) What is Static Electricity? (article from LiveScience)
What Causes Static Electricity? (article from LiveScience)
How can I stop getting static shocks? (article from McGill University Office of Science and Society)
For Science! Why are static shocks so bad during the winter? (auto-play video from The Weather Network; text below video).
How to Get Rid of Static Electricity in Blankets (article from Hunker blog)
Apricot Day (Jan 9)
**Balloon Ascension Day (Jan 9; hot air balloon flight)
Law Enforcement Appreciation Day (Jan 9)
Houseplant appreciation day (Jan 10) Caring for House Plants (links to several plant-care articles on Better Homes and Gardens
Indoor Plant Care 101 from plants.com
Best Indoor Plants for People with Asthma (article from Verywell Health
Why You Should Talk To Your Plants, read with a grain of salt; 10 participants is hardly a large enough sample. But there’s no harm in giving your plants some extra love.
Bittersweet Chocolate Day (Jan 10)
Cut Your Energy Costs Day (Jan 10)
Save the Eagles Day
Clean off your desk day (Jan 11) How to Organize Your Desk - 5 Essential Tips, blog post from Almost Practical, a professional organizing blog.
How to Keep Your Desk Clean and Organized, blog post from 10 Desks, a website for finding the best desk for your work or business.
10 Tips to Keep Your Desk Clean, Organized, and Productive, blog post from Time Management Ninja, a blog about time management and productivity. Though I’m not sure how a desk can be productive…
Heritage Treasures Day (Jan 11)
Arkansas Day (Jan 11)
Human Trafficking Awareness Day (Jan 11)
Milk Day (Jan 11)
Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friends Day (Jan 11)
Marzipan day (Jan 12) History of Marzipan, article by Hermine’s Old World Confections.
What Is Marzipan?, article from Taste of Home, includes instructions on how to make it.
What is Marzipan? Plus, How to Make it From Scratch, article from FOOD52.
Marzipan Recipe: 3 Ways to Use Marzipan, article from Masterclass, includes an explanation of 5 different types of marzipan, 4 ways (not 3) to use it, and an explanation of how marzipan differs from almond paste.
Kiss a Ginger Day (Jan 12)
Curried Chicken Day (Jan 12)
Pharmacist Day (Jan 12)
Stephen Foster Memorial Day (Jan 13, U.S. Composer)
Sticker day (Jan 13)
Korean American Day (Jan 13)
Peach Melba Day (Jan 13)
Rubber Ducky Day (Jan 13)
Kite day (Jan 14) History of Kites, article from the Americal Kite Fliers Association
Complete History of Kites, article from Now You Know Daily
How Kites Fly, article from the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, includes a video of some super cool indoor kite flying
Neil deGrasse Tyson on Mary Poppins, Kites, and Physics, a snippet of an interview with the renowned physicist on the StarTalk Radio Show. Only 3 minutes long and super worth watching, because this guy is really funny
How to Make a Simple Kite, a 2 and half minute video from Inner Child Fun Media, showing you how to make a simple kite with easy to find materials.
Ratification Day (Act ending the American Revolution, Jan 14)
Hot Pastrami Sandwich Day (Jan 12)
Dress Up Your Pet Day (Jan 12)
World Logic Day (Jan 12)
Hat day (Jan 15) A [British] History of Hats
Evolution of the Hat: A Historical Timeline, includes an embedded GQ video entitled 400 yeas of hats in 3 minutes.
Museum Selfie Day (Jan 15)
Bagel Day (Jan 15)
Booch Day (kombucha, Jan 15)
Strawberry Ice Cream Day (Nov 15)
Appreciate a dragon day (Jan 16) 7 Real-Life Dragons that Live Up to Their Name, article from National Geographic
Dragons: A Brief History of the Mythical, Fire-Breathing Beasts, article from LiveScience, includes a brief mention of real-life komodo dragons
Bearded Dragons, fact sheet from National Geographic
How to Draw a Dragon - 50 Best Dragon Drawing Tutorials from Easy Drawing Tutorials
How to Draw All Kinds of Dragons: Art Projects for Kids
Without a scalpel day (Jan 16) Interventional Initiative page on Interventional Radiology and MIIPs. Content Advisory: embedded video contains images of Minimally Invasive, Image-Guided Procedures.
What Are MIIPs? article from the Interventional Initiative website
Content advisory: video of Minimally Invasive, Image-Guided Procedures: Without a Scalpel: The Secret World of Interventional Radiology.
Religious Freedom Day (Jan 16)
Kid Inventor Day (Jan 17) 11 Amazing Things You Didn’t Know Were Invented by Kids, article from Mental Floss magazine
10 Great Inventions Dreamt Up by Children, blog post on Great Business Schools website
Let’s Invent Something Together!, article from Scholastic giving tips for parents and caregivers to encourage young ones to invent
6 Ways to Encourage Young Inventors, article from InventHelp Blog
Bootlegger’s Day (Jan 17)
Classy Day (and Betty White’s Birthday, Jan 17)
Hot Buttered Rum Day (Jan 17)
Martin Luther King, Jr. day (Jan 18) Martin Luther King Jr. Biographical page on the Nobel Prize website
Martin Luther King Jr. Day article on Encyclopedia Britannica
5 of Martin Luther King Jr’s Most Memorable Speeches, article on Washington Week. Includes embedded videos of all 5 speeches
I Have a Dream…, Martin Luther King Jr.'s Historic Speech in full text, includes embedded video
Thesaurus day (Jan 18) thesaurus.com
This Is How the First Thesaurus Got Started, Reader’s Digest article
10 Fascinating Fats about the Thesaurus for Thesaurus Day, Mental Floss article
Michigan Day (Jan 18)
Winnie the Pooh Day (Jan 18)
Popcorn day (Jan 19) The History of Popcorn, article on The Spruce Eats
How Popcorn Became a Much-Loved Snack, article from BBC Future
A bunch of popcorn recipes from AllRecipes
19 Best Flavored Popcorn Recipes, article on Taste of Home
How to Make Popcorn at Home. I make it in a brown paper bag in the microwave all the time! No oil needed and done in 3 minutes! And cheaper than the store-bought microwave stuff
disc jockey (DJ) day (Jan 20) A Chronological History of the Disc Jockey 1887-1988, article on Flow Music blog
What Does a DJ Do?, article on Career Explorer
What Exactly do DJs Do Live?, article on Live About
The Most Influential DJs of All Time according to Ranker
Buttercrunch Day (Jan 20)
Cheese Lovers’ Day (Jan 20)
Hugging day (Jan 21) What are the Benefits of Hugging?, article from Healthline
Granola Bar Day (Jan 21)
blonde brownie day (Jan 22) Wikipedia Article on Blonde Brownies
Blondies & Brownies: What is the Difference? (article from Chowhound blog)
Blonde Brownies Recipe from the Midnight Baker blog
Blonde Brownies Recipe from taste of Home
Vegan Blondies Recipe from Simply Bakings blog
Celebrate Your Life Day (Jan 22)
Polka Dot Day (Jan 22) Why are they called polka dots? article from Mental Floss
Handwriting day (Jan 23) Blog Post on Creative Market: How to Improve Your Handwriting in 30 Days: The Challenge
Free Printable Worksheets for Handwriting Practice for both adults and kids
8 Ways to Improve Your Handwriting (Plus a Free Worksheet), post on The Postman’s Knock Blog
Security Technician Day (Jan 23)
Pie Day (Jan 23)
Global Belly Laugh day (Jan 24) Global Belly Laugh Day website
The Health Benefits of Laughter (article from VeryWell Mind)
The Science of Laughter (article from Psychology Today)
Laughter is the Best Medicine (article from HelpGuide)
The Health Benefits of Laughter (article from VeryWell Mind)
Laughter Yoga (New Delhi, India) YouTube Video
Peanut Butter Day (Jan 24)
Beer can appreciation day (Jan 24)
Compliment Day (Jan 24)
Bubble Wrap day (Jan 25) The Accidental Invention of Bubble Wrap (article from Smithsonian Magazine)
Is Bubble Wrap Recyclable? (article from Recyclebank blog)
Why Is Popping Bubble Wrap So Satisfying? (article from The Cut)
Even robots like popping bubble wrap (YouTube clip from Wall-e)
Florida Day (Jan 25)
Irish Coffee Day (Jan 25)
Opposite Day (Jan 25)
Plan for vacation day (Jan 26) How to Travel When You’re Broke (article from LifeHacker)
Don’t leave millions of vacation days on the table (article from CNN about using your paid time off, if you’re lucky enough to have it, even if there’s nowhere to go)
23 Armchair Travel Ideas: How to Travel Without Leaving Home (article from INSIDE Travel Lab)
Armchair Travel: How to Master Travelling the World From Home (article from Wanderlust Movement)
Armchair Travel: 45 Fun Ideas to Travel Without Leaving Home (post from WildJunket blog)
20 Great Staycation Ideas for Vacationing at Home (article from The Cut)
*Please note, this is from my own blog. Here’s a post I wrote about armchair travelling Poland
Green Juice Day (Jan 26)
Sposues Day (Jan 26)
Library Shelfie day (Jan 27) Architecturally Bound: 20 of the World’s Most Stunning Libraries, according to Popular Mechanics
10 of the Most Beautiful Libraries in the World, according to Galerie
The 29 Most Beautiful Libraries in the World: Indulge Your Library Lust (post on Wayfaring Views blog)
The 15 Coolest Libraries in Canada, according to Chatelaine
The Most Amazing Libraries for Kids in the U.S., according to Tinybeans blog). I think the Apache Junction library in Arizona should be on that list, too :slight_smile: Please note, the Apache Junction library post is on my own blog.
The Most Impressive Libraries in each USA State, according to Reader’s Digest.
I have written several posts about library on my personal blog, if you’re interested in looking.
Chocolate Cake Day (Jan 27)
Holocaust Remembrance Day (Jan 27)
Vietnam Peace Day (Jan 27)
Data Privacy Day (Jan 28) Here are some suggestions for search engine alternatives to Google and Bing, from Comparitech Blog
How safe are password managers?
Cybersecurity 101: Protect your privacy from hackers, spies, and the government (article from ZDNet)
How to protect yourself and your data online by reducing visibility (article form Tech Radar)
How to Protect Your Online Privacy: A Practical Guide (article from Tech News World)
Kazoo Day (Jan 28)
Puzzle Day (Jan 29) 27+ Puzzle Types {The Ultimate List}
Croissant Day (Jan 30) Is the Croissant Really French? A brief history of the croissant - from kipfel to Cronut, article from Smithsonian Magazine
Corn Chip Day (Jan 30)
Inspire Your Heart with Art (Jan 31) Art as a path to Emotion, article from Psychology Today
Backward Day (Jan 31) Want to turn your text backwards? This site will help you do that.
Hot Chocolate Day (Jan 31)

:bulb: *Ideas for January Daily Holidays :bulb:

Name of Holiday Ideas
Thank Goodness It’s Monday (first Monday)
Play Outside Day (every first Saturday)
Clean Off Your Desk Day (second Monday)
Shop for Travel Day (second Tuesday)
Vision Board Day (second Saturday)
Sunday Supper Day (second Sunday)
Martin Luther King Jr Day (third Monday)
Use Your Gift Cards Day (third Saturday)
World Snow Day (third Sunday)
World Religion Day (third Sunday; celebrates the commonality of the major faiths of the world)
New Year’s day(Jan 1)
International Public Domain (Jan 1)
Polar Bear Plunge Day (Jan 1)
Hangover Day (Jan 1)
World introvert day (Jan 2)
Buffet Day (Jan 2)
Cream Puff Day (Jan 2)
Personal Trainer Day (Jan 2)
Science Fiction Day (Jan 2)
JRR Tolkien day (Jan 3)
Chocolate-Covered Cherry Day (Jan 3)
Drinking Straw Day (Jan 3)
Spaghetti day (Jan 4)
World Braille Day (Jan 4)
World Hypnotism Day (Jan 4)
Missouri Day (Jan 4)
Trivia Day (Jan 4)
Bird day (Jan 5)
Screenwriters Day (Jan 5)
Whipped Cream Day (Jan 5)
Bean day (Jan 6)
Cuddle Up Day (Jan 6)
Shortbread Day (Jan 6)
Technology Day (Jan 6)
Old Rock day (Jan 7)
Bobblehead Day (Jan 7)
Tempura Day (Jan 7)
Bubble Bath day (Jan 8)
World Typing Day (Jan 8)
Winter Skin Relief day (Jan 8)
Earth’s Rotation Day (Jan 8)
English Toffee Day (Jan 8)
Vision board day (Jan 8)
Joygerm Day (Jan 8; spread happiness)
Static Electricity day (Jan 9)
Apricot Day (Jan 9)
**Balloon Ascension Day (Jan 9; hot air balloon flight)
Law Enforcement Appreciation Day (Jan 9)
Houseplant appreciation day (Jan 10)
Bittersweet Chocolate Day (Jan 10)
Cut Your Energy Costs Day (Jan 10)
Save the Eagles Day
Clean off your desk day (Jan 11)
Heritage Treasures Day (Jan 11)
Arkansas Day (Jan 11)
Human Trafficking Awareness Day (Jan 11)
Milk Day (Jan 11)
Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friends Day (Jan 11)
Marzipan day (Jan 12)
Kiss a Ginger Day (Jan 12)
Curried Chicken Day (Jan 12)
Pharmacist Day (Jan 12)
Stephen Foster Memorial Day (Jan 13, U.S. Composer)
Sticker day (Jan 13)
Korean American Day (Jan 13)
Peach Melba Day (Jan 13)
Rubber Ducky Day (Jan 13)
Kite day (Jan 14)
Ratification Day (Act ending the American Revolution, Jan 14)
Hot Pastrami Sandwich Day (Jan 12)
Dress Up Your Pet Day (Jan 12)
World Logic Day (Jan 12)
Hat day (Jan 15)
Museum Selfie Day (Jan 15)
Bagel Day (Jan 15)
Booch Day (kombucha, Jan 15)
Strawberry Ice Cream Day (Nov 15)
Appreciate a dragon day (Jan 16)
Without a scalpel day (Jan 16)
Religious Freedom Day (Jan 16)
Kid Inventor Day (Jan 17)
Bootlegger’s Day (Jan 17)
Classy Day (and Betty White’s Birthday, Jan 17)
Hot Buttered Rum Day (Jan 17)
Martin Luther King, Jr. day (Jan 18)
Thesaurus day (Jan 18)
Michigan Day (Jan 18)
Winnie the Pooh Day (Jan 18)
Popcorn day (Jan 19)
disc jockey (DJ) day (Jan 20)
Buttercrunch Day (Jan 20)
Cheese Lovers’ Day (Jan 20)
Hugging day (Jan 21)
Granola Bar Day (Jan 21)
blonde brownie day (Jan 22)
Celebrate Your Life Day (Jan 22)
Polka Dot Day (Jan 22)
Handwriting day (Jan 23) Try out some lettering. You could use this tutorial as inspiration
Security Technician Day (Jan 23)
Pie Day (Jan 23) Apple pie and a cup of hot chocolate are a great comfort during cold winter days. Here’s a recipe you can try
Global Belly Laugh day (Jan 24) Make a craft-related meme or an ATC containing a pun. You can use the Crafty meme thread for inspiration.
Peanut Butter Day (Jan 24) Make homemade dark chocolate peanut butter cups, or a vegan peanut butter silk pie, or try a savoury recipe using peanut butter
Beer can appreciation day (Jan 24) Try making an ornament from a cool beer can
Compliment Day (Jan 24) Make a “complimentary” ATC or create a card to tell someone you appreciate them and why.
Bubble Wrap day (Jan 25) Use bubble wrap to create texture in a painting or art journal entry. You can brush the bubble wrap wtih acrylic, then press it on to your surface. You can try it the other way around as well—put paint on your surface, then press down bubble wrap to see the textures it creates.
Florida Day (Jan 25)
Irish Coffee Day (Jan 25)
Opposite Day (Jan 25) Find a piece of art that you’re not super fond of and try creating its opposite, or your interpretation of what its opposite might be.
Plan for vacation day (Jan 26) Create a vision board about your dream trip (and then you can celebrate vision board day at the same time!)
Green Juice Day (Jan 26) Create some green “juice” and make a watercolour using only variations of the colour green. Or make some actual green juice if you can stomach it, lol
Spouses Day (Jan 26) Make a card for your spouse, or create a small crafted gift they might enjoy.
Library Shelfie day (Jan 27) Create a piece of art, like this one to show your appreciation for libraries, create a journal entry to keep track of the books you borrow from your library, or take an artistic photo by your favourite library shelf, whether in your house or at a public building.
Chocolate Cake Day (Jan 27) Make a super easy one-bowl vegan chocolate cake, or use up the giant zuchini that’s been waiting on your counter and have your vegetables and eat your cake, too.
Holocaust Remembrance Day (Jan 27)
Vietnam Peace Day (Jan 27)
Data Privacy Day (Jan 28)
Kazoo Day (Jan 28) Make a kazoo from a toilet paper roll
Puzzle Day (Jan 29) Have a puzzle missing pieces, or the missing pieces of a long gone puzzle lying around? Try altering puzzle pieces to make new works of art. Of if you’re more yarn-inclined, try making a puzzle ball
Croissant Day (Jan 30) Try making a croissant, or if you’re not that adventurous, buy some and try making different sandwiches with them.
Corn Chip Day (Jan 30)
Inspire Your Heart with Art (Jan 31) Search Lettuce Craft for some artsy inspiration, then go forth and make your own creations :heart:
Backward Day (Jan 31) Try creating your next craft piece “backwards.” Do the last part of the process first, then continue working backwards to see what you get. Try some lettering, but do it backwards.
Hot Chocolate Day (Jan 31) Try making some hot chocolate at home, or make some Mexican Hot Chocolate Cookies
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