Photo by Alex Padurariu on Unsplash
Welcome to the Everyday Holidays Craftalong for Winter 2025!
Runs January 1st through March 31st, 2025
Everyday Holidays are a way to add some joy to your life and learn something new everyday. Please note that there are also observations and commemorations in the mix, because all emotions are valid.
What is this craftalong?
The “Everyday Holidays” craftalong is a way to find inspiration for your crafting. You can use the topics as prompts for your artsy explorations, or simply to learn something new. You can use any topic for any craft during the entirety of the season—the craft does not have to be done on the same day as the holiday that was used for inspiration, not even in the same month. As long as it’s within the season, it’s fine.
The “Rules”
“Rules” is in quotation marks because this is meant to be a laid-back, no pressure, just post when and how you feel like it kind of craftalong.
Having said that, as with every other craftalong, all community guidelines apply.
Important note: You don’t need to do something on the actual day of the holiday. As long as the holiday and craft happen during the season posted, it’s valid
You are allowed and encouraged to post the same projects here that you have posted elsewhere on the site, whether as their own posts or for other craftalongs.
Also, you’re encouraged to post about celebrating the holidays even if you didn’t make anything (e.g. it’s OK to share that you’ve watched a movie for a certain day).
The Points
We’re keeping things simple for this craftalong. You get:
1 point for every project you post.
How do I participate?
To participate, simply make a craft inspired by any of the Everyday Holidays listed for the season, and post it using the template below.
Holiday Inspiration: [write the name of the holiday that inspired your craft. There is no need to include a date.]
Project Name: [Title your project any way you would like ]
Project Link: [If you posted on the main forum, feel free to enter the link here ]
Project Description: [Tell us anything about your project, like how it’s related to the holiday inspiration, and/or how you made it. ]
Project Photos: [Post photos of your craft below, so we can cheer you on! ]
Important, about posting and holiday dates:
You can make any craft inspired by any holiday on any day during the season—your projects do not have to be made nor posted on the exact day of the holiday. As long as the holiday is within the season, it counts.
The whole concept of “Everyday Holidays” can get overwhelming, because there are so many of them. So don’t feel like you have to do something every day. Instead, use the prompts that speak to you and go from there.
The Holidays & Observances
If you would like to see a spreadsheet for holidays for the entire year, you can view the shared Google Sheet.
Holidays and observances for each month will be posted in separate replies below, and each list will have some resources and ideas on how to celebrate. I intend on continuing to add to these as the years go by.
Where did the holidays come from?
I didn’t make these up, though many other people may have, and that’s the beauty of celebrating each day . I gathered these holidays from the following websites:
I have taken the liberty to adapt some of the holiday names. For example, because we are an international community, I removed “national” from any holiday titles. I have also added things here and there to make some holidays more accessible (for example “running day” became “running, walking, or any other exercise day.”)
The Prizes 
I’ll be crafting something to send to the winner of the Everyday Holidays craftalong—I will post as soon as I have finished making it, and this time I will really make something, lol!
I’ll post a picture once I’m finished creating the prize. Please stay tuned.
Who is eligible to win the prize?
Everyone who has posted at least 3 projects in this thread and commented on at least 3 projects by others by the last day of the season will be entered into a random draw for the prize.
This craftalong ends on March 31st, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. EST. Please post all your projects prior to this time.
Entering the Prize Draw 
Please PM @LindyBlues with the following by 11:59 PM EST on March 31st, 2025:
I attest that I have posted at least 3 projects this season: YES/NO
I attest that I have commented on at least 3 projects by others this season: YES/NO