Harry Potter Craftalong - Yule 2022/23

That’s a really pretty mugrug, I love the colours.

Are we doing an ornament swap this year? Currently watching movie #2 and it makes me think of all the amazing ornaments I have on my HP tree over the years. I’m happy to organise it, if there’s interest


Class: Alchemy
House: Hufflepuff
Project Name: Cozy Boot Toppers
Project Link and Description: I used this pattern to make some new boot toppers for myself. I wanted them to work with my combat-style boots, so I made them smaller around than the pattern calls for and they turned out great! Rather than doing 10-12 repeats, I only did 8, and they fit great!
Project Pic:


So, the Midsummer term was a complete bust for me :frowning: A few out-of-school issues seriously killed my crafting mojo, but luckily these are now more or less resolved and I am feeling more like crafting again.

Class or Challenge Title: Hermione’s Book Club Chapter 1
House: Hufflepuff
Project Name & Page Link: Dessert for dinner with friends
Brief Description: We had been invited to a friends for dinner this weekend and I offered to take dessert. Now, I could have gone for something simple, but instead I decided I needed to put together a dessert grazing board. All of the dessert items were purchased, but the three dips were all made by me, as well as putting it altogether. There were 8 of us and we gave it a good go, but there were definitely some leftovers!

Chocolate Ganache dip - Finely chop 8oz dark chocolate, heat 12fl oz double cream until it just reaches boiling point and pour over the chocolate. Leave for a couple of minutes and then start stirring. Keep stirring until it comes together into a glossy sauce. Pour into container and allow to cool. If needed at a later date, keep in fridge, but remove 30 mins or so before required, to allow it to soften back to room temperature

Caramel Cheesecake dip - Mix 2x8oz packs of cream cheese until smooth and blend in 1 cup of caramel. I also added a pinch of salt, but that is my preference. Mix tablespoon of caramel with a tablespoon of double cream and use to decorate. (Also really good with salted nuts either stirred in or sprinkled over the top, but I didn’t have any this time.)

Cherry Swiss Meringue Buttercream, used as a dip -
Note - I replaced the preserve with blended sour cherries in a heavy syrup, drained well. I used some of the syrup to decorate the dip - it was so good!

Project Picture:


What an amazing spread! Everything looks delicious!

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When you’re wondering if mandrake is on the menu…


Class or Challenge Title: Book club
SPEW or LC Contest:
House: Slytherin
Project Name & Page Link: Fresh water pearl wire spider
Brief Description: I got the pearls and just HAD to make something, and this spider was a lot of fun
Project Picture:

Class or Challenge Title: Headmistress challenge October
SPEW or LC Contest:
House: Slytherin
Project Name & Page Link: Pumpkin and lentil soup
**Brief Description:**This contains a lot of pumpkin, so lovely soup :heart: It’s also vegan! -link to recipe-
Project Picture:

Class or Challenge Title: Iron Chef october
SPEW or LC Contest:
House: Slytherin
Project Name & Page Link:
Brief Description: I love this stew so much I’ve already made it three times in October! Had to share with people who visited. -recipe-. I also split it and made one with cardamom, cinnamon and cloves and one without, because my son preferred the one without the “strange Christmas flavours”
Project Picture:


Iron Chef for November!

:cuba: Cuba November kicks off holiday season here in the US, and things start to get a little busy. Enter Cuban comfort food: arroz con frijoles negro, Cubanos, and fried plantains are quick and delicious options!


OMG the mandrake is adorable XD

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Class or Challenge Title: Detention - WIP
House: Hufflepuff
Project Name & Page Link: Wedding shawl
Brief Description: I think this is my oldest current WIP - it was originally supposed to be for my wedding, which was in 2018. It’s the Emiliana shawl pattern, and the middle section is a very pretty slip stitch pattern that doesn’t translate at all because I didn’t understand value in colorwork yet. Still happy it’s done.
Project Picture:


Beautiful! Congrats on finishing!

Class or Challenge Title: Alchemy
House: Slytherin
Project Name & Page Link: Friends Mitts
Brief Description: A pair of mittens is the epitome of ‘doubling up’ and encompassing the numbers 1 and 4 (1 thumb, 4 fingers). I also used a written pattern to transform this yarn into something new.
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Class or Challenge Title: Arithmancy
House: Slytherin
Project Name & Page Link: Leather Jedi Belt
Brief Description: Using the movies - and the work of other cosplay artists - as reference, I pieced together this Jedi belt. I purchased the (functional!) buckle, and went from there. I did need to buy two sets of hardware as the leather was much too thick for what I had originally found. Ultimately, I managed to create something that was a decent approximation of the film costume.
Project Picture:

Class or Challenge Title: DADA
House: Slytherin
Project Name & Page Link: Jedi Tunic, Obi, Tabards
Brief Description: I made a Jedi costume for my DH this year. He was thrilled!
Project Picture:

Class or Challenge Title: History of Magic
House: Slytherin
Project Name & Page Link: Rainbow Garter Stitch Shawl
Brief Description: The hand-dyed yarn in this shawl was dyed by my DS1 when he was four years old. I have been saving it for a special project for 6 years, and am excited to wear his art project this winter!
Project Picture:

Class or Challenge Title: Muggle Studies
SPEW or LC Contest: Halloween Costume Entry 2022
House: Slytherin
Project Name & Page Link: Pirate Shirt
Brief Description: I used an old paper pattern (Simplicity 4219) and a bit of imagination to create this muslin shirt for my Halloween costume.
Project Picture:

Class or Challenge Title: Potions
SPEW or LC Contest: Halloween Costume Entry 2022
House: Slytherin
Project Name & Page Link: Linen Pirate Jacket
Brief Description: I gave myself permission to splurge on fabrics and notions for this jacket that I have been wanting to make for years. The main fabric is a linen blend, the buttons are stamped brass, and the trim is velvet. I love how it turned out and it was so wonderfully comfortable.
Project Picture:

Class or Challenge Title: Headmistress Challenge - October
SPEW or LC Contest: Halloween Costume Entry 2022
House: Slytherin
Project Name & Page Link: Pirate Vest
Brief Description: An integral part of my Halloween costume this year, this vest was made from satin brocade, with pretty brass buttons.
Project Picture:


Stop what you’re doing! :stop_sign:

And go vote in the Halloween Home & Yard Decor Challenge 2022! and the Halloween Costume Challenge 2022! :grin:

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I’m loving all the glorious knitted shawls and @fishstix43 and @tendstowardschaos and those mittens are lovely

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Thank you!

Finally getting to submit some homework. project dump to follow!

Project this was a project for my art course, (Doubly submitted homework) I used screen printing to make a load of images, so more than doubled it (as per this prompt) lots and lots of uses of the same screen, it was a paper mask, so once you stop, you can’t make any more prints.

Project This was done beside the fireplace, these shelves fit into the alcove made my the fireplace. I painted these shelves and gave them their own thread here

Project I made this quilted throw cushion cover from the last few pieces of my purple and green/blue scraps

Project Blackbery jam, this stuff is amazing, I took @MistressJennies advice in using proper two part kilner lids and jars. And followed this BBC recipe, it tastes amazing Blackberry jam recipe | BBC Good Food


Project Using the good stuff, I made this nerdy baby quilt and gave it it’s own thread here



Are we going to get a new Book Club and new HeadMistress challenges? I understand if baby Mistress is occupying our HeadMistress, but I thought I could ask. Sometimes times just runs by and one misses that its a new month. :slight_smile:

Project Name: Venetian medieval garb
House: Ravenclaw
Brief Description: (how it fits the requirements, pattern/techniques used, materials using, plan of action, expected timeline, etc.)
[/quote] making more garb. I really don’t go to enough events to justify all these outfits. But I enjoy making them, and everyone should have a complete medieval outfit, right?

Using a bodice pattern that I drafted by getting help to pin fabric to me. Bodice will be heavily boned. Thrifted curtain for the main fabric of the dress. Plus lots of bits and pieces from stash. As always there be a lot of hand sewing, because I don’t like to have any machine stitching show on the outside of medieval clothing. Inspired by the painting below, but with fancier sleeves. Because I love a fancy sleeve.

Full disclose, I have already started this, but it languished for a really long time, maybe having it as an advanced studies will help me get it done.


Do I spy a pleated petticoat?

Your proposal has been added to the project log! Happy creating!

Cartridge pleated I think, that would be standard construction for those skirts

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