artwork done by @QueenHobo
Welcome to the Nerd Games!
Runs January 1, 2022 - March 31, 2022
This is a craftalong where nerdy crafters all over the world can share our projects and give each other encouragement - that’s really all there is to it! If you feel you might be a nerd, or enjoy some nerdy things of any kind, or if you’re just nerdy about crafting, you’re more than welcome here!
Simply make any craft, take photos of it, and post them in this group with the following header, which will be explained below:
Prompt: (Write the name of the prompt you are entering your craft for here. Don’t forget to include the month!)
Team: (Choose one of three, listed below)
Project Name: (Name your craft anything you like; fanciful titles or simple labels/descriptions are all fine)
Project Link: (Paste the link to your community post for the bonus points)
Brief Description: (Tell us anything you’d like to about the craft, such as how you made it, and why it fits the prompt.)
Project Photo(s): (Post photos of your awesome craft here, so we can ooh and aah over it!)
There are three teams to choose from, and no requirements for joining any of them; simply choose one that speaks to you, put the team name in your first project header, and presto - you’re a member! You will remain on the same team for the entire season. You may change teams in future seasons.
Team Running with Scissors:
Maybe you like to craft with fabric or paper.
Team Knotty by Nature:
Maybe you like to knit, crochet, or macramé.
Team Bits and Bobs:
Maybe you like working with various notions, or have varied crafting interests.
Either type in your team name, or use the emojis to indicate your team!
Prompts will be posted on a monthly basis in the post below. Please choose a prompt. Monthly battles are the only time sensitive prompts. The non-battle prompts are open for the entire season. See THE POINTS section below for point values and several additional crafting opportunities for each of your crafts. You can craft specifically to fit the prompts, or you can craft first and then find a prompt to fit it into. We’re pretty lax about slightly stretched interpretations of the prompts; just explain in your description how it fits!
- Monthly prompts will close at 11:59pm Central Time on the last day of the current month.
We are trying to keep things simple, so there will only be one type of bonus point available. COMMUNITY POINTS will be given when you post a link to a post you’ve made within the Lettuce Craft community, and will be worth 20 bonus points for each project shared. Please be sure to participate in the entire community and not just in the craftalong!
This competition is just for fun and the points are for nothing more than motivation and bragging rights, but go ahead and rack up points by posting projects for you team! Points break down as follows:
- Monthly battles and prompts: 20 points each (must take at least 30 minutes of crafting time)
- Free Range: 20 points each (must take at least 30 minutes of crafting time. Up to six allowed per season
- Big Time projects: 50 points each (must take at least 5 hours of crafting time. Up to three allowed per season)
- Zaps: 10 points each (any craft that takes less than 30 minutes to make. Up to five allowed per season)
- Research Projects: 100 points (must take at least 20 hours of crafting time. Up to two per season)
- Bonus Points: COMMUNITY bonus points (worth 20 extra per project) are the only bonus opportunity available at this time.
Special Note:
All prompts are supposed to be crafted within the current season. However, we have decided to make an exception to this rule. Let’s say you craft something for a swap near the end of the Summer season. You’ve sent the swap package, but it hasn’t been received yet. Fall season begins, your partner has received their swap item, and you are ready to post. You may go ahead and post your project from the previous season for the current season.
- Players must craft to the best of their abilities and have a minimum of 30 minutes of crafting time per submission, unless otherwise noted.
- A project can only be submitted for one prompt or crafting opportunity.
- A project does NOT have to be "nerdy,” it only has to fulfill the prompt as you see fit.
- Submitted projects must be started and completed during the current season, unless otherwise noted.
- There is SO MUCH to do in the Nerd Games. Do not feel like you have to craft everything. Do what inspires you.
- We welcome all players from the Nerdyverse, no matter their Geekdom. We even welcome non-nerds!
- We are never mean.
- We never exclude someone.
- We will keep it clean-ish (PG-13).
- Never hesitate in contacting the Gamemakers (@storerboughtcreation or @Smeddley) with your questions, concerns, or ideas.
Previous Seasons:
Fall 2021
Summer 2021
Spring 2021
Winter 2021
Fall 2020
Summer 2020
Spring 2020
Winter 2020