Use it or lose it! A sharing and caring gift-along

Nope, I sure don’t need to know what it is. I’ll even take strands to use for random crafting or if I need just a small amount for an accent or … I dunno… a little flame at the end of a tail (that’s what I thought of first? weird)

I can pay your shipping, too!


Pm me and after Kidlet goes to bed i’ll get a pic of what I have to see if it works for you.


I will send you some, please PM me your address and I’ll get it in the mail later this week.


@AntBee @Cindy Y’all are so sweet! If there’s something I can keep an eye out for you, lmk. I go to thrift, vintage, antique shops at least once a month. And Etsy is always open :wink:


Would anyone be interested in cut sewing patterns? They would all be relatively recent womens styles (maybe 2015 on?) and cut at sizes 16-18, maybe a few 20s. Worst case scenario, I’ll donate them to the thrift, but figured I’d see if there’s someone here that would use them first. I can post/message pictures but there’s quite a few so I didn’t want to spam the thread.

Do you have the pattern envelopes? Maybe a group shot with the pattern styles would be a good place to start?

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Are sewing patterns still made out of that tan tissue-like material? That could be fun to collage with.

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Oooh great idea! I still have a bunch of old patterns from my grandmother’s stash that no one will want to use. Any papercrafters out there want patterns for collage?

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I will take one pattern. Doesn’t even have to be all there or have the envelope.


Here’s a couple of overview shots:

Sorry for the glare, I store them in comic book sleeves.


I like the McCall’s 8 in 1 shirts, if no one else wants it.


Hey friends, would you please click on your list post & update it? Send me a message if you’d like it removed.
My list is up to date if anybody needs a few beads, floss, or bits of felt to finish off one of their UFOs!


Please update your list post or message me if you’d like it removed.

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Spring cleaning time for list posts, pls update or message me if you’d like it removed :slight_smile:


:heavy_check_mark: all set. I have minimal on there at the moment, shipping funds aren’t readily available this month.

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I need to go through more stuff and give away things that I am no longer interested in making…thanks for a reminder to update and destash!


Please remove mine for now. I need to do another recce and see what’s still hanging about!!

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I kept the stamps on my post but most of the other stuff I donated. I am slowly going through more boxes so I imagine I’ll have more to offer again.

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Everything in my post is still available. I might add more things later as I work through my stash.
